Your New Practice: Identifying Potential Challenges

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Selecting your practice location

Location Matters

There’s one key element at the heart of creating or renovating your practice – location.  You may have a new property selected, be expanding within your existing site, or still looking for that perfect location.   New or existing, making sure your space is going to work for you is essential at this early stage of the project.

Selecting your practice location and identifying any potential practice challenges

By discussing your proposed site in detail, the Elite team collaborate with you to identify any potential challenges for your practice in this early consultation phase. Workarounds and proposed solutions can then be incorporated into the scope of works once the planning phase commences.

Overcoming Site Challenges

The site of the new Asquith Vet practice presented a number of challenges for the Elite team.  The building which was to house the practice was still being constructed when the fitout was due to start. This was a key issue as the lease for the existing practice premises was close to expiring.  To ensure there could be a seamless transition from old to new premises, the Elite team facilitated a staged fitout to meet the fixed timelines.

Asquith Vet fitout

Initial works were started on the upper level of the building while construction was being completed on the lower level. Further complicating matters, the stairs to the upper level were not yet ready for use. Access to this level had to be via scissor lifts and ladders through an opening in the external wall .  Access to the build site was also difficult due to extensive external site works and construction of an adjacent building.  By identifying these site challenges early in the consultation phase, workarounds could address these access issues.   

“Like all projects like this, if the plan and design is done correctly, the construction phase should be smooth and take little of my input – and this was the case.” Dr Brad Garlick, Asquith Vet

Contact us on 1300 765 344 to discuss your new practice location. Or check out our project gallery to see how others have made the most of their practice premises.

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