Your New Practice: Scoping Your Specific Requirements

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Scoping your requirements

The first phase of Elite’s award-winning 4 step process focuses on three key components; understanding your vision, identifying any potential challenges, and assessing your practice requirements.

Scoping your specific practice requirements

Getting the Details Right

Once we have a thorough understanding of your goals and your practice space, it’s time to get into the nitty gritty, and discuss the specific requirements for your practice.  Knowing the number of consult or treatment rooms, the anticipated number of patients you’ll be catering for on a daily basis, and requirements for surgery, steri or lab areas will assist us in understanding your needs and determining the scope of works for your practice.

By taking the time at this early stage of the project to discuss all aspects of your vision and requirements for your practice, and scope your build precisely, we ensure that there are fewer unexpected and unwanted surprises. 

Ensuring All Elements Work Together

XRadiology had a long list of requirements for their new location in a standalone building in Brisbane.  The new premises needed to house a large number of specialist radiology facilities. This included X-Ray, ultrasound, MRI, and CT scanning, communications rooms, massage facilities, a cannulation room, sterilisation areas and bone density rooms.  The practice also needed to include general front-of-house and administrative facilities, gym, children’s area, and all amenities.

X-radiology fitout

Careful design was required to incorporate all of the facilities into a large space. It was also important that visitors didn’t feel “lost’ in the expansive 1,000 square metre premises.  Elite’s design team applied colour zoning to deliberately separate and identify multiple treatment areas. The zoning was based on the client’s orange and silver distinctive branding colours. These colours also feature in the front-of-house facilities. Complementary shades of blue designate consultation rooms and radiology facility zones.  

Contact us today on 1300 765 344 to discuss your requirements for your new – or expanding – practice. Or take a look at our recent fitouts.

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